- Round Squareレポート
- オーストラリア短期留学スタート!
ラウンドスクエアは加盟校同士が自由に交流することができます。4年前にオーストラリアの留学生を受け入れた縁で、高校2年生1名が約1カ月にわたって、オーストラリアのBunbury Cathedral Grammer Schoolに留学しています。その様子をレポートします(日本語・英語とも生徒のレポートです)。
Today I went to school feeling both anxious and excited. After Ms. Elliott gave me a tour of the school, I ate lunch with my dorm mates and actually took classes in the afternoon. Everyone was expressing their thoughts and opinions whenever they wanted. I also did a spear throwing kind of sport which was something you won't usually get to experience in Japan. My friends at the unit were very kind and friendly.